Edmondson Park diverse housing

Landcom is committed to creating more affordable and sustainable communities, and housing diversity forms a part of that commitment. By delivering a masterplan with varying housing typologies we are able to accommodate the diverse needs of residents living in the communities we create.

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Our community at Edmondson Park is a great example of how this comes to life at a project level, as it features a range of housing types and pricepoints. This provides the opportunity for buyers of diverse household sizes and incomes to own their own home. 

The housing types includes moderate income homes, terrace housing, secondary homes called “Fonzie Flats” (because they are situated on-top of a built garage), seniors living and a small number of large rural lots. 

Edmondson Park also offers homes designed to Universal Housing standards. These homes are designed and built with features that make it easier and safer for all occupants to use, such as wider door frames and corridors. 

Image: Edmondson Park Terrace Housing Artist Impression (Indicative artist impression, subject to change and planning approvals)

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Edmondson Park provides the opportunity for buyers of diverse household sizes and incomes to own their own home.